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Kind words from Instructables user avionicskypilot777

by Layne on July 17, 2012

Over at the Instructables website, user avionicskypilot777 has been working on a write-up of his projects. We really liked his review of the Blinky Grid kit, and have re-posted it below. Thanks for the kind words, avionicskypilot777!

This was a fun kit to build and easy to solder. Good kit for anyone needing to practice solder skills. I bought the kit from

It is programmed using their website programming page. It uses 2 light sensors to sense the clock and data signals that are sent by the website. Just enter program using their entry form and hold the sensors up to your monitor screen and start programming. The programming time depends on the timing set in ms and the length of the message. It can take awhile and some patience to learn how to program it. But once it’s figured out it’s a breeze. One of my messages took 4 minutes to load at a speed of 70ms. That is rather slow but I don’t get errors at that speed. Generally I can run anywhere between 50 and 70 ms transmission rate. It’s just a trial and error procedure. Don’t give up! It works real well and a good starter project! Highly recommend it! I can’t remember the kit price but for the cost the quality of the kit is excellent! They even threw in some extra LED’s in case there was a bad one or I messed one up. I mounted the project on a piece of plastic with a 9V battery holder attached. I used hot glue, which I find very handy when doing projects. It’s non corrosive, waterproof, and cools quickly. Great for electronic work.

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