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Nerdle Theremin Video

by Wayne on July 27, 2010

We’ve been busy here at Wayne and Layne, working on some activities for a girl’s science/technology/engineering camp.  They’re each building a Nerdle, one of our upcoming kits, and then learning basic programming using the Arduino IDE.  One of the unique features of the Nerdle kit is the use of touch-sensitive capacitive-sense buttons, made from copper foil pads inside the case. While meeting with the camp directors to prepare these activities, we decided to try linking the raw information from the capacitive sensors to the on-board piezo speaker.

We added two lines of code, uploaded, and jaws dropped.  It sounded like the computers of the future were supposed to sound.

Check back soon for more information about the upcoming Nerdle kit! You can subscribe to our RSS feed using the button at the top of the page, to keep up to date with the most recent news and kits.

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