Page contents: Licensing :: Hardware Design Files :: Firmware
We consider the Tap-Tempo Metronome open source hardware. All files are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, except the firmware which is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL).
For the Creative Commons files, this means you may copy, distribute, and display them (and any modifications or “derivative works” you make) if you give credit to Wayne and Layne, LLC, link back to this website, and you must also license any modifications or derivative works under this exact same Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
There are similar rights granted by the GPL, but attribution is not required. It’s appreciated, though!

Tap-Tempo Metronome by Wayne and Layne, LLC, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Different licensing may be available. Contact us for more information.
Download Hardware Design Files
The Tap-Tempo Metronome was developed with Kicad, an open source electronic design suite. It is available for Windows, Linux, and OS X.
The Kicad design files and gerber production files are available packaged here in a zip file.
Additional files are available below:
Download Firmware
The Tap-Tempo Metronome uses a PIC 16F685 microcontroller from Microchip. The firmware is written in C and compiled with version 9.82 of Microchip’s HI-TECH C Compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCUs. This compiler has two modes of operation: PRO Mode, and Lite Mode. The PRO mode is only available if you purchase the compiler, or during the 45-day fully-featured free trial. The Lite mode has less support for optimizations and code-size reductions, but you can use the compiler in lite-mode with no time limit. The Tap-Tempo Metronome firmware code can be compiled with either PRO or lite mode. Both the source code and the compiled hex file ready to be programmed on a chip are available below.
10 year update: Microchip has discontinued the HI-TECH C Compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCUs. Nowadays they suggest using the MPLAB XC8 compiler. We haven’t tried using this compiler for the Tap-Tempo Metronome, but give it a shot!
Tap-Tempo Metronome 2 Firmware v2.22
This firmware is for the newest hardware release, the TM2. On startup, it will beep and display “r22”, indicating the firmware version. Please note, this firmware will not work with the older versions of the hardware kit, only the TM2 hardware!
Updated Tap-Tempo Metronome Firmware v1.15
This is an enhanced firmware for the Tap-Tempo Metronome version 1, with two changes: 1) The threshold of the piezo element has been lowered, making it more sensitive to soft taps, and 2) An output pulse is generated on pin 12 every time it beeps. This output pulse would be useful if you want to connect an external actuator such as a solenoid, LED array, sequencer, synthesizer, etc. This firmware beeps once on startup and shows “15” on the display. Please note, this firmware will not work with the newest version of the hardware kit, TM2!
If you want to use this firmware with a stock Tap-Tempo Metronome, you need to make a small hardware change. Normally, pin 12 is connected to the decimal point on the seven-segment displays, but we can easily disconnect it by cutting a trace on the PCB with a sharp knife and a steady hand. For more details, check out this blog post.
Original Tap-Tempo Metronome Firmware v1.14
This is the firmware that is included with the original metronome kit. It does not beep on startup. Please note, this firmware will not work with the newest version of the hardware kit, TM2!