Greetings, Know How viewers!
Want to build a kit like the one the hosts built on Know How? Use coupon code KHOCT10BL to get 10% off Blinky soldering kits at the Wayne and Layne Store until November 1, 2013.
Recently, we met up with Fr. Robert Ballecer at a Maker Faire, and he wanted to feature our kits on TWiT.TV’s Know How. Our Blinky kits were the first things we thought of–easy to solder together, easy to reprogram, and fun to play with once they’re built.
We’ve sold tens of thousands of Blinky kits to people under ten to over eighty! They’re available at a variety of online retailers as well as some local brick-and-mortars, like Radio Shack.
We’ve set up a coupon code for the Wayne and Layne Store, so the Know How viewers can pick up a Blinky kit at a 10% discount. This applies to Blinky Grids and Blinky POVs, through-hole and surface-mount, in any color LED we offer.
Just a reminder, the easiest kit to solder is the Blinky POV, and can usually be assembled in between fifteen minutes and an hour, depending upon your experience. The Blinky Grid kit is the same “difficulty”, but it takes longer to solder. These two kits only require a few tools, like a soldering iron and some solder, and a diagonal cutters. The SMT kits are a little more difficult, and usually are assembled with more tools, like tweezers and solder wick.
They can all be reprogrammed optically through the Blinky Programming website.
We have a lot more on our website about our Blinky kits, but if you have any more questions, feel free to fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you!